Friday 11 September 2009

Sleepless in Taipei...

Another sleepless night in this Asian city… I do not know what it is: it cannot be jet leg, cos’ if it was, I would get sleepy around 10 – 11 in the morning. Or maybe it is, as I really like to sleep during the day? But I always liked it, so this is not an explanation :P Anyway, I should have recovered from the jet leg after 10 days. This cannot be the parties, because we have not been to that many… If someone knows the explanation, just let me know:)

These are some photos I took from the roof just a few minutes ago, that is something like 5:02 :)

Nice. I Like:)

1 comment:

  1. HI Bart,
    Regarding the sleeping problem-this is mainly related to the proces of adapting to current life terms. The best way to finally overcome this is to inhibit yourself from sleeping one night. After 36 hours of being awake you will sleep at night and wake up in the morning like everybody else. From that point it should be easier.
    Or maybe.... sleepless Bartek is suffering from other than physical diseases... Maybe he's simply homesick...;)
