Wednesday, 9 September 2009

The dorm - some photos

Freshly renewd (I believe), the dorm makes a great impression on a newcomer. But due to the fact that there are many of them next to each other, one may can feel like in the blocks. Still, the cool thing is that all students live next to each other, and can visit without any problems. Before parties and other gatherings are also not a problem:) Here are some photos of the dorm itself.
The dorm from the front... Quite a lot of rooms, don't you think?:)
So that you will get to the right one:)
View on the main plaza from the top of the building.
The sterylic corridors...
And elevators with annoying bells:P
My little messy room...
And wooden, but comfortable (I have 2 mattress, co it is ok now;) ) bed 
And the most annoying thing - money eating machine... (you put the card in and, as long as there is money on it, you have electricity:) )
And some photos of the city - from the top of the building. First - before sunset...
I like this one:)
Taipei 101
And at night...
It does look preety amazing. I think I can have a crush on this city... :) 


  1. Hmm... in the daylight not so pretty, but at night it looks quite impressive. Almost as good as my view from the top of Chelsea capitol;)

    And your room is reeeeaaaally messy;)
    Seriously! You could have cleaned it before you took the photo:P

  2. Hey B,
    Looks like you landed in the preety nice spot there. The accomodation looks much more clean that I expected.
    Did you happen to find a closet big enough for your needs or is it still pending?

  3. Bartek Wu, ni hao! Wo shy Agnieszka Ke Qi :)
    Widze, ze pierwsze etapy na Chinskiej ziemi zaliczone, chinskie imie jest, chinski pokoj jest i zaputy w Tesco tez byly ;) Musze Ci powiedziec, ze calkiem niezly ten Twoj akadmik, ja bylam na Shy Da (uniwerek) i tamte dorms wygladaly raczej jak wiezienie z 6 os celami ;) no i Teco, wydawaloby sie, ze Tesco nie moze byc niczym nowym, a jednak, Tesco na Tajwanie, to jest w ogole inny swiat, right?! na samy stanowisku z owocami mozna spedzic caly dzien. I must say, I am soooo jelouse you have all the fun still before you!!!! ENJOY!!!!!
